Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Naturalist Perspectives Assignment 1: Observation Transect in Site Alpha

For my alpha transect I chose to observe a garden across the street from my apartment. I thought this would be a good place, because it is going to get cold soon and a lot of changes will occur in that location. Also, all the different types of flowers attract bees and birds to the area. Although I couldn't name all the flowers, there were a few labels next to the flowers saying some of them are Zinna's, while others are Black Eyed Susan's. I inferred that others were related to hyacinths and another looked similar to lavender, but I don't believe either of those were accurate hypothesis'. I hope to meet the owner of the garden to ask further questions one of the days I am observing it, but for now I can only assume.
Inches 1to 40: Grass-> Sprouts-> Clovers and Orange Zinna Flowers

Inches 41-81: Orange Zinna Flowers-> Weeds-> Dead Black Eyed Susan Flowers

Inches 81-121: Weeds-> Black Eyed Susan Flowers-> Pink and Yellow Zinna Flowers-> Weeds

Inches 121-161: Budding Zinna Flowers-> Pink Zinna Flowers-> Purple Lavender-like Flowers (with bees on them-> Colorless Hyacynth-like Flowers

**Most flower names are assumed, aside from the Zinna's and the Black Eyed Susan's

1 comment:

  1. Hi Royce!

    It's interesting how we completed our first assignments differently. I don't have the knowledge or patience to name the plants and identify the space of my site. I think there might be mistletoe at my site alpha, they're like little red berries. Although they're probably not and I sound goofy thinking it's mistletoe - shows how lacking my knowledge is. Do you have a background of identifying plants or did you research the plants? Even if you got some of them wrong I still give you merit for attempting to name them unlike my attempt.

    - Josh Kuhn
